HS Pachelbel's Canon

Listen back to your group's final ​recording. On a sheet of neat, lined A4 paper write the title above and answer the following questions:
1) How did you improve your recording this lesson from your teacher feedback?
2) Which skill have you improved on the most in the Pachelbel project and why do you think this? - Accuracy/ technical/ Ensemble/ Musicality and style/ Composition/ Critique
3) Which skill do you think you need to work on most in the next project and why?

NOW - FIND TWO SONGS/ PIECES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO PERFORM IN THE NEXT PROJECT AND PRINT OFF 'LYRICS AND CHORDS'. Avoid songs that say 'capo' at the top of the chord sheet. If possible, get a recording on your phone of the songs. 



  1. 1.) my performance wasn't to accurate, it was done at the wrong time quite a few times and most of us did a few mistakes but apart from that it was fine.
    2.) we made the drum beat faster to make it better, but it ended up being slowed down
    3.) i found my part a bit easy but it was the ground base so its suppose to stay like it was, i could have learnt a new Pacebell's canon tune.
    4.)I need to improve by changing it to make it more interesting, make it in time and try and not make mistakes.!.

  2. 1. Our performance went well and was very accurate. We all knew when to come in and play our parts well so when we put it together it sounded good.

    2. We made our part unique because we changed between the genres and didn't just stay classical. We also added drums which you wouldn't see in a calm piece like this but we changed it up.

    3.I found my part quite tricky because I only decided to play the piece with both hands at the last minute and also I had to make sure everyone else came in at the right time as well. I could have made it even more challenging by learning another part and incorporating that somewhere in the piece.

    4. Overall we played well but could have still improved some things. Firstly, when we changed the genre and the tempo we came out of time so we had to recover that and we did well to do so.
    Also we all need to know our own parts and perform them well so we can trust each other and focus totally on our own part.

  3. Thomas BrOwn Hs13 May 2017 at 03:27

    Our performance was pretty accurate, but we changed the beat, and added our own kind. We changed the timing and the way it was layed out, and added our own twist in the middle as well as a new, more interesting drum beat. My part was definitely hard enough for me, since in bits, I had to start/set a new beat for everyone, but I could make it more difficult by adding in bits where there isn't a lot of music, or by changing up the tempo now and then. We needed to improve by keeping in time with each other in the middle and end parts, and not just the begining

  4. 1) Our performance was played as we rehearsed it with only a few slip ups and we managed to get through it.
    2) We made our performance different by having a style/tempo change in the middle. We changed the style into pop and this meant the rhythm changed to show the conversion.
    3) My part was too easy for me and next time I'm going to push myself by trying to play the melody 3 with Josie but with a quicker pace.
    4) To improve our performance, we need to work on the timing during the tempo changes and we also need to work on levels of volume so we play as one and not competing.

  5. Sarah Ramsdale18 May 2017 at 08:47

    My group was Sophies

    1) I think our performance was quite accurate but not at all parts as we got a bit muddled up a different points.
    2) We added improvisations to make our performance diferent and changed the beat a bit so it was slower and faster at different points.
    3)I think my part was hard but also a bit easy. I had an improvisation which made my part more difficult but I think when just playing my normal part I could use both my hands and play it higher and lower for a better effect
    4) Overall I think my group did okay but I think we could improve.

  6. Harry Chambers18 May 2017 at 10:43

    1)Our Pachelbel cannon was quite accurate as the pitch we played at helped our theme out a lot
    2)Ours was very different to other performances as we used piano settings to our advantage to set us away from others plus we each did a different part so we maximized possibilities
    3)Next lesson for Pachelbel I might use the harder guitar sheets so I can challenge myself
    4)I want to use all the threats on the guitar so at other points I can change the tune

  7. Our group didn't record but i'll base this on our practice. Our performance was quite accurate as we got it going but the start and end were quite scrappy as we didn't know when to come in or fade out. We made ours different by having a base guitar and adding the lyrics to don't stop believing. We also have a luper pedal recording the baseline and drumbeat. My part is quite challenging as I am playing the baseline, melody 1 and melody 2. I could made it harder by playing my parts at different speeds. To improve our performance we need to sort out the ending and start.
